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Sri Venkateswara University
Note :
The Provisional list of numbers furnished above are subject to variation. For Exact results refer the marks statements to be issued shortly. ANNOUNCED LATER indicates that the results of the candidates will be announced after receipt of filled in Examination Application together with online challan / Lower Degree Qualification Certificates or dues as the case may be. 22-07-2022 is the last date for receipt of the applications for Revaluation with fee of Rs.1120/- for each paper, for re-totalling Rs.650/- for each paper and for personal identification with fee of Rs.1470/- for each paper without fines and with a fine of Rs.480/- (for each paper) from 23-07-2022 to 28-07-2022. The prescribed application can be had from the Controller of Examinations, S.V.University, Tirupati - 517 502, on requisition by sending a self-addressed stamped (Rs.10/-) envelope. The prescribed applications will only be considered for the above purpose. The failed candidates who are applying for revaluation are advised to send their applications for registration to appear for the ensuing Examinations without waiting for the revaluation result which may come either before starting of examinations or after. [ BY ORDER ]
Endorsement No.B-VIII( )/2022, Dated: 02-07-2022.
Communicated to the Director, Directorate of Distance Education, for information. CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS Copy to B.X Section,Examination Branch, SVU for information.
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Tags : sri venkateswara university dde pg msc mathematics prev final april 2022 exam results